Winter Heating Tips

You roll out of bed in the morning and are greeted by a rush of warm, toasty air flowing from the vent – or at least this is how you want your winter mornings to begin. If you are trying to save on your winter heating bill, however, you might not have the luxury of a warm house. Luckily, there are ways to cut costs on your heating bill that don’t involve freezing or piling on all of the blankets and sweaters in your home. Follow these winter heating tips to stay warm without breaking the bank.

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Prepare Your Home

If you are dealing with high utility bills, your home might be to blame. There are several ways to make sure your home is ready for winter:

  • Seal your windows. A visit to your local hardware store and about 20 minutes of your time is all it takes to make sure your windows aren’t letting in streams of cold air. Purchase a window sealing kit; before long, it will pay for itself.
  • Leave your curtains open during the day. This will allow sunlight to warm your home. Keep in mind, however, that it is important to close the curtains at night to trap in the heat. In addition, trim any shrubs that block your south-facing windows from receiving light.
  • Change your air filters regularly. A dusty air filter will make your furnace work harder to heat your home, which will increase your utility bill. A good rule of thumb is to change your air filters every one to three months, depending on which type of air filter you purchase.
  • Don’t block the vents. Sometimes simply rearranging your furniture can allow heat to flow freely through your home, which will speed up the heating process and allow your furnace to work less. Keep an eye out for your cat or dog laying on the vent and blocking it; although they might be comfortable, this will prevent heat from progressing through your home.
  • Install a programmable thermostat. Leaving your heat off at night and while you are away from your home can save you money. Use a programmable thermostat to schedule your heat to begin running 30 minutes before you wake up and 30 minutes before you return home from work.

Invest In A Geothermal System

A geothermal system uses solar energy and the temperature of the earth to warm and cool your home, which saves money on utilities. The earth absorbs nearly half of the sun’s energy (source). As a result, the ground usually stays between 45° and 70° F. Geothermal systems use a water solution that flows through underground pipes. The solution takes in heat from the earth and moves it inside the house. The system then transfers the heat to the air, which circulates through your home as needed. During the warmer months, this process is reversed to keep your home cool.

Getting a geothermal system installed in an existing home or a new home is a significant investment upfront, but after tax credits, rebates, and lower utility bills, you will end up saving money in the years to come. In fact, geothermal systems can save you between 30 and 60 percent on your heating bill.

If you are following these winter heating tips but your utility bill is still not improving, it might be time to purchase a new heating system. Long Heating and Cooling has been helping heat and cool Missouri homes in Springfield, Branson, Ozark, and many of the surrounding communities for over 35 years. Long Heating And Cooling can install geothermal systems in existing homes and new homes under construction. Give us a call at (417) 581-8138 or schedule a service online. We’ll provide you with a free estimate!